Hi, TPP.
As of now, our support is running a Bifrost collator and maintaining Web3alert integration, where Ryabina participated as a technical partner. Currently, we are not providing any specific education/marketing support or liquidity.
You can read more about Web3alert and Bifrost integration here - https://medium.com/@web3alert/web3alert-io-integrates-bifrost-finance-af7a3b724ebc
Hi, SuperDupont.
We do not plan to run a separate collator on Moonbeam.
Apart from Kusama nodes listed in the proposal, we can suggest adding to whitelist our nodes in Polkadot and Moonriver:
Ryabina 6 - 1pKc7abu9Cm9YqoMeUFqdMBUxKJVuVUFPRcjpxcyKvjkx5m
Ryabina - 0x872Def818fE02EB8280282025214554037c201db
Ryabina 2 - 0x010202A6f849E42B6f9613279e2dF840CE5FC788
@ryab...a/ 2
many thanks for this.
understood. however putting aside web3alert 0- it would be of interest to know in what capacity Ryabina could provide specific education/marketing support for SLP given that you have interest in submitting VBL applications for several different networks - notably polkadot, moonriver and kusama. as such for consideration it would be compelling to have more colour in regards to what marketing, content, and community activities you have in mind? notably educating your community to liquid staking and so forth.
Hi Ryabina team.
quick q, given your point made about your media partners, web3alert.io and so forth, can you clearly outline the ways- initiatives in which you can provide marketing-educational support for Bifrost?