I use the Bifrost network and have crowded on that platform. I voted for the Kintsugi project using Bifrost. I liked everything, especially the functionality.
2022-10-31 10:26:06 (+UTC) I transferred KSM through cross out from the Bifrost network to the Kusam network, transferred 48.829326884204 Bifrost KSM from the platform to the address of the Binance exchange. Unfortunately, I did not take into account that the network is different. That was my fault. The Exchange tried to help me several times. But she doesn’t see my coins on her address. Thanks to the help of BayaCat from Discord, I reach out to the Bifrost community. I ask you to initiate a referendum on the rollback of my coins to me. Thanks for your help!
Sent from address Bifrost cN5sywcqSsbUmUzxX2x2ZNacAZihAKpirAv5Xws2ueZN6rv
to the Binance address EXdyYZEUZ5fziC8rewz8P9ZNLdWret2jfXC2m1mXpi9Zbc4
txid: 0xe90bb455b933434a3296cf662e8a6cbd77d1c5440ac6ff1e031de0538bbd8095
Url link https://forum.bifrost.finance/t/help-a-user-to-retrieve-the-ksm-in-the-exchange-address-by-mistaken-operation/1791
Wow, didn't know this was possible!